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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I've been trying to find the two owls that are living in our neighbor's yard behind us.  I can hear them calling to each other in the morning, but haven't been able to actually see them.  I never hear them when I have the chooks out for their play time.  They're either in the upper story of the neighbor's garage or in a huge old oak tree in the lot behind us.  Since they are active during the day, I think they may be short-eared owls or barred owls.  Whatever they are, they must be camera shy!

Related to that, I just read in the local rag that we have some rare snowy owls visiting our area right now.  It would be a treat to catch a glimpse of one of these, but sad to hear they are here as they probably won't survive to make the return trip to their natural habitat ot the Artctic.
So,  until I can get some good pictures of my feathered neighbors, we'll have to make do with this video.  Can you believe this little burrowing owl likes to be petted liked that?  Too adorable for words.


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