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Goodbye to a Good Dog

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Freckles has been a part of our life for a little over 6 years after we fell in love with her at an adoption that the Columbia Humane Society held.  We drove 2 hours to go see her and bring her home with us to be a companion to our 8-year old black lab mix, Chase.  They were both the same age.  We lost Chase early last year and Freckles has never been the same.  After Chase died, we brought Freckles inside permanently so that she wouldn't be alone.  She loved to steal J.'s seat on the sofa if he got up - the warm, comfy spot was just too good to pass up.  But it seems that old age has finally caught up with her as well.  For the past couple of days she hasn't been able to really walk or to stand on her own.  We could barely get her to drink, much less eat anything.

The farm is full of heavy hearts this morning as we say goodbye to her - a sweet, loving, beautiful Australian Shepherd.  She was what every dog strives to be - a good dog, a loving friend.  There will be no one to herd us or our trio of Pomeranians now. 

Goodbye, sweet pup.


penandparchment said...

How sad!
She was lovely.
We said Goodbye to our pug the 9th of January 2012.
Love P

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